Design Metropolia.


Textile design students are attending Budapest Design Week with “Dialogue” exhibition

Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME) and Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences have arranged a joint exhibition called Dialogue in Budapest. The exhibition is held from 26 September to 4 October 2015 in MONO art & design- gallery. The exhibition presents knitwear designs of textile design students from the two universities as well as works as a place for joint student discussion. Dialogue is part of TILA exhibition which presents Finnish and Hungarian design for a month in Budapest.
The textile design students of Metropolia University will participate in the exhibition with their jacquard-patterned knitwear products under the theme “My Fashion Design Philosophy”. The photography students Maria Hästbacka, Sanni Siira and Ninni Vidgren of Lahti Institute of Design have photographed the knitwear products. Maria Hästbacka has also made personal photography and multimedia presentation to be displayed in the exhibition. The aim of the knitwear department of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design is fashion. The department is integrating the students to the professional fashion industry. The main skill of the students is the ability to connect textile and fashion design. They can simultaneously design in both areas.
The departments of textile design in MoholyNagy University of Art and Design and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences started their student and teacher exchange in 1998. Since then, the universities have exhibited student work several times, Dialogue being the seventh joint exhibition. This year the purpose of the co-operation has been the pedagogical development of educational practices through networking and teacher exchange. The MA and BA textile design students of MOME participating in Dialogue exhibition are Agota Grabits, Boglarka Toth-Kasa, Vanessa Vago, Szecsenyi Agnes, Judit Nagy. The BA textile design students of Metropolia University showing their knitting designs are Aino Falck-Immonen, Elina Heilanen, Maija Luoma, Niina Paloranta, Eveliina Pyykönen, Noora Rytkönen. The Dialogue exhibition has been curated by MOME Professor Kriszta Remete and Metropolia Lecturer Tuija Nieminen.
MY magazine
DIALOGUE exhibition 26.9 -4.10.2015
Kossuth Lajos u. 12.1053 Budapest, Hungary!dialogue/cceu


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