Design Metropolia.


Students are suggesting bicycle center to a storehouse in Helsinki

Design students of Metropolia are suggesting that old storehouse ruins in Töölönlahti, Helsinki center  would be altered to a bicycle center.  Students´ idea was born in co-operation with Helsinki city in a project where student get to know urban planning. The old sturehouse that was build in 1889 and used to belong to Finnish State Railways was destroyed mostly by fire in 2006 and brick walls cant be used as asupporting structure anymore.  According to the students walls could make good use of so that inside of them would be build a new construction.

Store house ruins would be a good post for the bicycle center because of it´s location close by cycling bana, upcoming city library and railway station. According to the concept of students in the bicycle center could be in addition to parking area for example service and shower areas and lockers for commuters. Students that were in this project are Elina Niemi (Interior Design), Aleksandr Pylsy, Tomas Peltola and Aaro Kurkela (Industrial Design).


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