Design Metropolia.


Thesis Projects in Design

Students in Industrial Design, Textile Design and Interior Architecture have created thesis projects, of which ones related to urban design are on display 1.9.-1.10.2016 at Laituri.

Short introductions to the thesis projects can be found below.


Design and Productization of Knitwear Collection for R/H

By: Amanda Halonen, Textile Design

Thesis: Design and Productization of Knit Collection for R/H

Final Thesis. Design and productization of knit collection for R/H. 2016. Amanda Halonen. Textile Design. Photo: Amanda Halonen. Neulemalliston suunnittelu ja tuotteistaminen R/H-merkille.Final Thesis. Design and productization of knit collection for R/H. 2016. Amanda Halonen. Textile Design. Photo: Amanda Halonen. Neulemalliston suunnittelu ja tuotteistaminen R/H-merkille.Final Thesis. Design and productization of knit collection for R/H. 2016. Amanda Halonen. Textile Design. Photo: Amanda Halonen. Neulemalliston suunnittelu ja tuotteistaminen R/H-merkille.

Description: The purpose of this thesis project was to design a knitwear collection for the Finnish R/H (Riiheläinen-Hernesniemi) women’s clothing brand. The collection consists of 11 products, and showpieces were prepared for this thesis of the first five products. This knitwear collection is planned to be launched as part of the R/H autumn-winter collection in 2017. This thesis also examined working as a designer under an existing brand. The demand for the product is defined by R/H and its customers, who have requested a knit jacket for the selection. The central objective was to design a functional product from high-quality materials whilst retaining the production as local as possible.


New Concept Development Process of Monofunctional Hybrid Watches

By: Umberto Onza, Industrial Design

Thesis: New Concept Development Process of Monofunctional Hybrid Watches

Final Thesis. New concept development process of mono functional hybrid watches. 2016. Umberto Onza. Industrial Design. Photo: Umberto Onza.Final Thesis. New concept development process of mono functional hybrid watches. 2016. Umberto Onza. Industrial Design. Photo: Umberto Onza.Final Thesis. New concept development process of mono functional hybrid watches. 2016. Umberto Onza. Industrial Design. Photo: Umberto Onza.

Description: This thesis explains a new product and concept development process from the point of view of a junior product designer Umberto Onza who works for TBWA\Helsinki. From the first day of his career at TBWA, Umberto started to work for a Swiss lifestyle watch brand called What?. The Stop the Time watch collection consists of four different watch models that bridge the gap between the quarts watch and the smartwatch, making them hybrids. The timepieces use a Swiss quarts movement to show time in a traditional way but the core concept enables the user to stop time at any meaningful moment, making the memories last forever.


Concept Design of Signage Product Family for the City of Tampere

By: Simo Lahtinen, Industrial Design

Thesis: Concept Design of Signage Product Family for the City of Tampere

Final Thesis. Concept design of signage product family for the city of Tampere. 2016. Simo Lahtinen. Industrial Design. Photo: Simo Lahtinen. Opastelaitteiden tuoteperheen konseptisuunnittelu Tampereen kaupungille.Final Thesis. Concept design of signage product family for the city of Tampere. 2016. Simo Lahtinen. Industrial Design. Photo: Simo Lahtinen. Opastelaitteiden tuoteperheen konseptisuunnittelu Tampereen kaupungille.Final Thesis. Concept design of signage product family for the city of Tampere. 2016. Simo Lahtinen. Industrial Design. Photo: Simo Lahtinen. Opastelaitteiden tuoteperheen konseptisuunnittelu Tampereen kaupungille.

Description: The objective of this thesis is to describe the process of designing a signage product family for the city of Tampere. The signage design is part of a more extensive project made by Sito Ltd. to create a new program for pedestrian wayfinding in the Tampere central area. The aim is to create user friendly, sustainable and cost-effective signage products. The products are also intended to support and develop the brand image of Tampere and encourage users to observe the surrounding areas.


Development of a Participatory Design Workshop Concept for Solving Urban Challenges

By: Jalmari Sarla, Industrial Design

Thesis: Development of a Participatory Design Workshop Concept for Solving Urban Challenges


Description: This thesis describes the development process of a map-based participatory design workshop method, which is intended for use in the initial user research phase of urban development design challenges. The method aims at collecting human-centered insights about the local environment and creating new concepts for cooperation between local stakeholders. The end result of this project is a modular mini toolkit poster that can be used as an instructional tool for facilitators.


Food Court

By: Kia Koponen, Interior Architecture

Thesis: Food Court

Final Thesis. Food court. 2016. Kia Koponen. Interior Architecture. Photo: Kia Koponen. Ruokapiha.Final Thesis. Food court. 2016. Kia Koponen. Interior Architecture. Photo: Kia Koponen. Ruokapiha.Final Thesis. Food court. 2016. Kia Koponen. Interior Architecture. Photo: Kia Koponen. Ruokapiha.

Description: This thesis presents the concept and vision of a place aiming to invigorate the city of Helsinki during wintertime. The starting point is to design an outdoor food court that is suitable for the city’s urban landscape and represents high-quality architecture. This food court would serve as a place where people can gather to enjoy good food together throughout the year. The aim is to create an attractive and weatherproof modular system that can be customized and transported.


Good Mood Office

By: Julia Chen, Interior Architecture

Thesis: Good Mood Office

Final Thesis. Good mood office. 2016. Julia Chen. Interior Architecture. Photo: Julia Chen. Hyvän mielen toimisto.Final Thesis. Good mood office. 2016. Julia Chen. Interior Architecture. Photo: Julia Chen. Hyvän mielen toimisto.Final Thesis. Good mood office. 2016. Julia Chen. Interior Architecture. Photo: Julia Chen. Hyvän mielen toimisto.

Description: This thesis is an assignment to design the office of Larsen & Co Tilitoimisto in Kaisaniemi, Helsinki. Julia’s customer is an accounting company that produces financial services, and has twelve employees working on the 220 m² premises. The research question of her thesis is: how to design a functional plan of premises for Larsen & Co Tilitoimisto so that it would improve workplace satisfaction and support the image of the company? The aim of the design is to fulfill the customer’s wishes and needs as well as possible.


Arabia Campus – Art Class Design with Organic Materials

By: Mira Hölttä, Interior Architecture

Thesis: Arabia Campus – Art Class Design with Organic Materials

Final Thesis. Arabia Campus - Art class design with organic materials. 2016. Mira Hölttä. Interior Architecture. Photo: Mira Hölttä. Arabian kampus - Luonnonmateriaalit & viherkasvit taideopetustilassa.Final Thesis. Arabia Campus - Art class design with organic materials. 2016. Mira Hölttä. Interior Architecture. Photo: Mira Hölttä. Arabian kampus - Luonnonmateriaalit & viherkasvit taideopetustilassa.Final Thesis. Arabia Campus - Art class design with organic materials. 2016. Mira Hölttä. Interior Architecture. Photo: Mira Hölttä. Arabian kampus - Luonnonmateriaalit & viherkasvit taideopetustilassa.


Description: This thesis presents the project of designing new art classes into the Tavi-Talo, which is part of Metropolia’s Arabia campus in Helsinki. Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki is in the process of concentrating the existing 20 locations on four different campuses during the years of 2017–2019. This thesis was conducted as an assignment for Metropolia’s Creative Campus Arabia -project. The organic material expert consulted for this thesis is a local pioneer The Natural Building Company Ltd.


KASKI: Sauna Cabin Plans and Villa Concept for a Young Couple

By: Maria Podduikin, Interior Architecture

Thesis: ASKI: Sauna Cabin Plans and Villa Concept for a Young Couple

Final Thesis. KASKI: Sauna Cabin Plans and Villa Concept for a Young Couple. 2016. Maria Podduikin. Interior Architecture. Photo: Maria Podduikin. KASKI: saunarakennuksen suunnittelu ja päämökin luonnossuunnitelma nuorelle parille Hartolaan.Final Thesis. KASKI: Sauna Cabin Plans and Villa Concept for a Young Couple. 2016. Maria Podduikin. Interior Architecture. Photo: Maria Podduikin. KASKI: saunarakennuksen suunnittelu ja päämökin luonnossuunnitelma nuorelle parille Hartolaan.Final Thesis. KASKI: Sauna Cabin Plans and Villa Concept for a Young Couple. 2016. Maria Podduikin. Interior Architecture. Photo: Maria Podduikin. KASKI: saunarakennuksen suunnittelu ja päämökin luonnossuunnitelma nuorelle parille Hartolaan.

Description: As her thesis work, Maria designs a sauna cabin for a young couple’s lakefront plot in the Hartola municipality. The commission is assigned by interior architect office Saukkonen + Partners, where Maria is currently employed. The clients’ intention is to build the sauna cabin first and then the villa. In order to place the sauna cabin, the location and size of the villa has to be taken into consideration. As a result, Maria creates an initial villa draft to clarify the location and positioning of the buildings. The basis of the design is user-centered and ecological design.


Merry-Go-Round: How to Improve Elderly Care with Interior Architecture

By: Sade Riitijoki, Interior Architecture

Thesis: Merry-Go-Round: How to Improve Elderly Care with Interior Architecture

Final Thesis. Merry-Go-Round: How to Improve Elderly Care with Interior Architecture. 2016. Sade Riitijoki. Interior Architecture. Photo: Sade Riitijoki.Final Thesis. Merry-Go-Round: How to Improve Elderly Care with Interior Architecture. 2016. Sade Riitijoki. Interior Architecture. Photo: Sade Riitijoki.Final Thesis. Merry-Go-Round: How to Improve Elderly Care with Interior Architecture. 2016. Sade Riitijoki. Interior Architecture. Photo: Sade Riitijoki.

Description: This thesis investigates a solution for elderly care interior design in Vantaa, Finland, for an upcoming building. The design has been conducted in collaboration with L Architects Ltd. This thesis presents a schematic design and produces the necessary documents and visualizations to communicate the concept. To execute the design, Sade delves into the relationship between elderly and space through methods of participation and involvement.


Dense and Transluscent: Planning a Wardrobe Exhibition

By: Julia Turunen, Interior Architecture

Thesis: Dense and Transluscent: Planning a Wardrobe Exhibition

Final Thesis. Dense and translucent: Costume exhibition design. 2016. Julia Turunen. Interior Architecture. Photo: Julia Turunen. Tuuheaa ja läpikuultavaa: Pukunäyttelyn suunnitelma.Final Thesis. Dense and translucent: Costume exhibition design. 2016. Julia Turunen. Interior Architecture. Photo: Julia Turunen. Tuuheaa ja läpikuultavaa: Pukunäyttelyn suunnitelma.Final Thesis. Dense and translucent: Costume exhibition design. 2016. Julia Turunen. Interior Architecture. Photo: Julia Turunen. Tuuheaa ja läpikuultavaa: Pukunäyttelyn suunnitelma.

Description: This thesis is about designing a costume exhibition for The Finnish National Opera. The exhibition is about costume designer Erika Turunen´s costumes from her 20-year career at The Finnish National Opera, and it is located at the Opera House foyer. This design project is commissioned by The Finnish National Opera, and to serve them best as an interior designer, Julia does background research about building directives, recommendations and regulations. She also makes a comprehensive analysis about the foyer space and finds the best way to use it for the exhibition.


Metka Cafe Arabian kampus.

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