Design Metropolia.


Spring Design Forum 2019


What? Muotoilun kevätfoorumi 2019 or  the Spring Design Forum 2019 in English:  Future of design education & the turning point of creative work

Where? At Metropolia UAS Campus of Arts, Hämeentie 135 D, Helsinki

When? Thursday April 11th, from 9 am to 11 am


The objectives and practices of design are shifting. What are the consequences of the change to education and how it should answer to the needs of working life?

In addition to these themes, there will be a a lecture about brain research held by Professor Minna Huotilainen.  The topic of the lecture is how brain research can help improving the understanding of the special characteristics of creative work.


The event is held in Finnish, and it is free of charge and open for everyone. Remote access to the event:


Mingle, morning coffee / tea

Opening of the event and introducing Finnish Design Academy

Tarja-Kaarina Laamanen / Aalto University

Ari Utriainen: Working environments of designers – the three-decade change

Minna Huotilainen: Creative brain – Understanding the special characteristics of creative work

Panel discussion – Securing the know how in design education


The subjects will be discussed by the experts of the design field:

Asta Boman-Björkell, design expert / Ornamo ry
Ari Utriainen / Avidly Oyj (from 1.4 onwards Xamk; The director of the creative fields research department)
Minna Huotilainen, professor, brain researcher/ Helsingin Yliopisto
Petra Havu, culture councelor/ The Ministry of Education and Culture
Eero Miettinen, professor of the working life design education  / Aalto University
Tomi Kauppinen, university lecturer, project leader/ Aalto University

The host of the panel: Lauri Repokari, special researcher, Turku Complex Systems Institute CERN / University of Turku


More information :

Facebook event

Finnish Design Academy



Metka Cafe Arabian kampus.

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