Design Metropolia.


Utilizing VR tools in design process

Industrial design student Joonas Sillanpää made his thesis work about utilizing VR tools in design process.

In thesis he investigate the use of VR tools in the design process. The work was commissioned by Metropolia UAS under a Finnish Design Academy project.

He implemented three different product concepts using VR tools as part of the concept design work. Also he created 3D-printed character models from the concepts. The ideas for the concepts are derived from Art and Design.

Joonas Sillanpää observed his VR work using design probes to collect data. At the end of the thesis he had three different product concepts on three different scales.

Based on the findings of the VR work and product concepts, he had a well-grounded view of utilizing VR tools as part of the design process. The Findings and opinions in the thesis are from his  personal viewpoint. The benefits of VR work depend on the professional background of the designer.





Finnish Design Academy

Metka Cafe Arabian kampus.

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