Design Metropolia.


Muotoilun avaimet: Handbook for design work will be published in March




“Muotoilun avaimet älykkääseen teollisuuteen ja liiketoimintaan” is a handbook on the utilization of design in new intelligent industrial processes and service business, edited by Satu Miettinen and published by Teknologiainfo Teknova. It leads the reader to design processes and tools that can be utilized in the development of business and public organizations.

The book consists of four parts: Ihminen ja muotoilu (Human and design) including Tulevaisuuden teollinen muotoilu tuote- ja palvelukehityksen ytimessä: Piia Rytilahti and Merja Kosonen, Teollisten koneiden ja laitoksien muotoilu (Design of Industrial Machines and Plants), Älykkyyden muotoilu (Design of Intelligence) and Liiketoiminnan muotoilu (Design of Business). The book offers new perspectives and tools for developers, designers, and experts and managers in various development and innovation roles in the field of design.

Come along to celebrate the book and discuss design – how it changes society, affects industry and takes a stand. The launch event will be held as part of Arctic Design Week and will be conducted via Zoom (Passcode: 446219) on Friday, March 26, 2021 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Welcome!


Check out the book here

Listen to the speeches related to the book about design

The book can be ordered from Teknologiainfo Teknova’s online store

Metka Cafe Arabian kampus.

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