Degree programme in Design, Metropolia at Helsinki Design Week 2016

Young, innovative and bold degree programme in design is taking part in many activities of Helsinki Design Week (HDW): 1.-10.9.: City planning by using the techniques of design – thesis fair at Laituri 5.-11.9.: The city installation Emotion – “Tunne” 7.-11.9.: Habitare exhibition The Block (6b89) This forum is an excellent opportunity to see the works … Read more

Live Baltic Campus tour in Holland – Design student’s reflections

The Netherlands is renowned for its innovative design culture. We Finns, too, are often held to a high esteem for our tradition in design and architecture. Yet, practicing design today entails much more than pursuing functional shapes and timeless aesthetics – it is a set of tools to understand and solve real life challenges and … Read more

Success in Vibrant Port Road competition

The industrial design student, Simo Lahtinen and a team won a Vibrant Port Road -innovation competition which was organized by city of Lahti, Lahti Energy and regional development of Lahti LADEC (29.1. -31.3.2016). The team members were Suvi Saastamoinen (landscape architect and environmental artist), Mikko Rikala (industrial designer of Sito) and Simo Lahtinen (industrial design … Read more

Design students discovering the world

Design as an industry is really international and so are our design students. During this academic year 11 Metropolia’s design students went to do their studies or practical training abroad and 12 exchange students came to study design at Metropolia. European countries are really popular among our students, but also further destinations such as Japan … Read more

Join us at Livable City Forum!

What makes a vital and a livable city? One thing is certain, it revolves around people, education and business. As cities compete globally to attract the best talents, the urban culture and wellbeing become increasingly important. These are also the questions that are explored in the Livable City Forum organised by Design Metropolia in collaboration … Read more

Bicycle Traffic in Helsinki Exhibition Opens on April 14th

Where are bicycle paths built? How are cycling conditions planned in Helsinki and is it possible to affect the process? Everything you need to know about bicycle traffic in Helsinki will be available for you at the City Planning Department’s exhibition space Laituri from April 14th onwards. The exhibition allows you to find out more … Read more

Japanese Design Workshop

Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun muotoilun tutkinto-ohjelmaan saapui maaliskuun alussa 2016 vieraileva professori Kiotosta pitämään opiskelijoille suunnittelu-workshopin. Takaaki Oe on tuotemuotoilija, joka opettaa Kioton taiteen ja suunnittelun yliopistossa. Workshop oli jaettu kolmeen eri tehtävään. Osa opiskelijoista osallistui vain ensimmäisen suunnittelutehtävän tekemiseen. Osa opiskelijoista puolestaan suoritti koko workshopin tehden kolme suunnittelutehtävää. Suunnittelutehtävät kestivät kukin kaksi tai kolme päivää. Japanilaisessa … Read more