Opinnäytetyökategoria: AMK
Final Thesis. Designing a Profitable Serial Production of Waste Textiles, Nutame collection. 2014. Sari Berglund. Textile Design. Kannattavan sarjatuotannon suunnittelu jätetekstiilistä.
In-Vehicle-Infotainment system
Opinnäytetyöt Final Thesis. User to car connecting In-Vehicle-Infotainment system design for the Biofore -concept car 2014. Ville Hela-Aro. Industrial Design. Photo: Ville Hela-Aro
Final Thesis. Nutrima – concept development process in the Electrolux Design Lab 2013 competition. 2014. Janne Palovuori. Industrial Design. Visualizations: Janne Palovuori. Final Thesis. Nutrima- concept development process in the Electrolux Design Lab 2013 competition. 2014. Janne Palovuori. Industrial Design. Photo: Electrolux Final Thesis. Nutrima – concept development process in the Electrolux Design Lab 2013 … Lue lisää
Pop up -konsepti R-Collectionille
Final Thesis. Pop up -concept for R-Collection. 2014. Anna-Mari Knuuti ja Sonja Skogster. Pop up -konsepti R-Collectionille.
Choking Hazard – Nykytaiteellisia veistoksia
Final Thesis. Choking Hazard. 2013. Jonatan Varon. Textile Design. Choking Hazard – Nykytaiteellisia veistoksia
Sosiaalinen työympäristö
Final Thesis. Social Work Environment – Spatial Concept for Metropolia Startup Center. 2013. Leena Raudaskoski. Sosiaalinen työympäristö. Tilakonsepti Metropolian startup-keskukselle.