Design Metropolia.


3D printing onto fabric


Maija Meikäläinen

XR Design


Maija Meikäläinen

Maija Meikäläinen

”The purpose of this thesis is to explore the possibilities to utilize 3D printing in textile design by testing different filaments and fabrics.

The client for this thesis is the Design Program of the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Thesis is set to find out if 3D printers of Metropolia can be used in fabric patterning. These results should help other textile students in learning this subject.”

Final Thesis. 3D printing onto fabric. Svetlana Koivunen. 2019. Textile Design.

Final Thesis. 3D printing onto fabric. Svetlana Koivunen. 2019. Textile Design.
Final Thesis. 3D printing onto fabric. Svetlana Koivunen. 2019. Textile Design.
Final Thesis. 3D printing onto fabric. Svetlana Koivunen. 2019. Textile Design.
Final Thesis. 3D printing onto fabric. Svetlana Koivunen. 2019. Textile Design.
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