Design Metropolia.


PAINTED VISIONS -Designing an androgynous sock collection for season SS18


Maija Meikäläinen

XR Design


Maija Meikäläinen

Maija Meikäläinen


The subject of this thesis is to design an androgynous sock collection. The client of the thesis is a finnish sock manufacturer, Sukkamestarit Oy. The inspiration for the subject was the previous collaboration with the client and writer’s own growing personal interest in gender and fashion.

The functional part of the thesis consists of the design process. The theoretical part studies the relationship between gender and dressing as well as the phenomena of androgyny. The aim of the study is to open the subject to the reader aswell as use it as an inspiration and frame for the design.

The final product is a six piece sock collection for the spring-summer season 2018. The challenge is to reach the androgynous look in the designs.


Final Thesis. PAINTED VISIONS -Designing an androgynous sock collection for season SS18. Mira-Liina Skyttälä. Textile Design. 2017

The permanent address of the publication:

Final Thesis. PAINTED VISIONS -Designing an androgynous sock collection for season SS18. Mira-Liina Skyttälä. Textile Design. 2017
Final Thesis. PAINTED VISIONS -Designing an androgynous sock collection for season SS18. Mira-Liina Skyttälä. Textile Design. 2017
Final Thesis. PAINTED VISIONS -Designing an androgynous sock collection for season SS18. Mira-Liina Skyttälä. Textile Design. 2017
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