Glass prototypes at Nuutajärvi

Traditionally the industrial design students participate in a Glass Design course at the end of the first year. The course culminates to an overnight trip to the Nuutajärvi Glass Village. During the course students get familiar with drinking glass design and explore their own preferences in the field. After exploration students make 3D models from different glasses and … Read more

User-centered Design in Sunedu Project

Electrias SunEdu-project started in November 2012 and lasted until the spring 2014. Electria is an electronics research and development unit in Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Industrial design student Emma-Sofie Kukkonen started working in project as a user researcher in December 2012 and knew from the very beginning that she would do the bachelor … Read more

The Biofore Concept Car

Students of industrial design and automotive and mechanical engineering from Metropolia were responsible for designing and building the car from start to finish. A total of around 50 students participated in the four-year project. Juha Tuomola, a student who was in charge of the car’s interior and exterior design, explains that the aim was to … Read more

Nutrima concept in Electrolux Design Lab 2013 final

Nutrima concept, designed by industrial design student Janne Palovuori, was one of the eight finalists from over 1700 submissions from over 60 countries around the world that took part in the competition. The competition was conducted in five stages between March and October 2013; submitting an idea and a sketch, concept development, visual development, functionality … Read more

E27 Lighting Exhibition

E27 lighting exhibition was displayed in windowgallery at Helsinginkatu 34 from May 8th to July 29th 2013. The exhibition gave students an opportunity to display their works designed at the elective study project, From Atmoshpere into a Light. Designers: interior architecture student Milla Lehtonen and industrial design students Venla Anttila, Jenny Järvinen, Merja Mähönen, Aleksandr … Read more

Design students at SaloneSatellite in Milan

Degree Programme in Design had first time own stand at International Furniture Fair in Milan, Salone Satellite 9.-14.4.2013. The designers study interior architecture, industrial design or textile design at Metropolia and also a few recent alumni are present. Some of the students have already received awards and have shown their works at the Habitare (Protoshop) … Read more

Metropolia was in partnership with World Design Capital Helsinki 2012

Metropolia was one of the educational institutions taking part in World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 receiving a visible role for contribution. In return, Metropolia had the right to use the World Design Capital logo and other material as agreed by the parties. Metropolia’s projects related to the Design Capital year put people, ease of use … Read more

Protoshop 2012

Protoshop on Imun ja Suomen messujen yhdessä tuottama tapahtuma Habitare-messujen Ahead-alueelle. Protoshop toimii muotoilijoiden ja yritysten yhteistyöfoorumina, jolla suunnittelijat voivat testata tuoteideoidensa kiinnostavuutta ja tavata mahdollisia valmistajia ja käyttäjiä. Teollisen muotoilun opiskelijoiden Lauri Hiilisen & Thomas Tallqvistin ja Mikko Siposen tuotteet pääsivät esittelyyn Protoshopiin. Lauri Hiilisen ja Thomas Tallqvistin NOSTE on sisustuselementtinä toimiva ripustusteline, jonka … Read more