Couch series designing for Metropolia Arabia campus

Final Thesis. Couch series designing for Metropolia Arabia campus. Teemu Haranko. 2018. Industrial design.

“This thesis is about a conceptual design of a sofa series in the upcoming Metropolia university of applied science’s campus placed in Arabia, Helsinki. The end product is a thorough plan of a series, which is ready to be industrially manufactured. The new campus is to be introduced in August 2018, and it will be … Read more

Food Waste Cycle

  Final Thesis. Food Waste Cycle: a service that connects grocery stores with parties who can benefit from food waste as smoothly as possible. 2016. Rasmus Lönnqvist. Industrial Design. Final Thesis. Food Waste Cycle: a service that connects grocery stores with parties who can benefit from food waste as smoothly as possible. 2016. Rasmus Lönnqvist. … Read more

In-Vehicle-Infotainment system

Final Thesis. User to car connecting In-Vehicle-Infotainment system design for the Biofore -concept car 2014. Ville Hela-Aro. Industrial Design. Photo: Ville Hela-Aro

Waste sorting unit

Final Thesis. Waste sorting unit. 2012. Tomi Toiviainen. Industrial Design. 3D Modelling: Tomi Toiviainen. Jätteiden lajitteluyksikkö.