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Eläinystäväksi and Eeve – Concepts for Testing the Basics of Pet Care


The goal of this thesis is to design a concept that will improve the co-existence between pets and their owners. The aim is to find out how the communication works between the two and what kinds of problems may need to be resolved.

The research is mainly focused on today’s pet products and services. In addition, the research will dive into animal behaviour and how the pets experience everyday living. Lastly, I interviewed pet owners about what they think about their communication between them and their pet and what kinds of new tools and services they would be interested in.

At the end of the research, I came to the conclusion that the biggest concern and also an issue seems to be that people lack even the basic knowledge about their pets and caring needs.

As a conclusion, the outcome consisted of two different concepts which both allows testing the basics of pet care. The first concept is a more formal course-based test and the second one a playful pet simulation.


Final thesis. Eläinystäväksi and Eeve – Concepts for Testing the Basics of Pet Care. Elina Pätsi. 2018. Industrial Design.

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