Design Metropolia.


Culture in Hiedanranta – Pattern Collection for Modus Ltd


Maija Meikäläinen

XR Design


Maija Meikäläinen

Maija Meikäläinen

”The subject of this thesis was to design a pattern collection for Modus Ltd. In addition to the pattern collection, an element library of the collection’s seperate elements and subjects was also made for the client to allow an easy use of the elements in the future.

The goal of the pattern collection is to indicate Hiedanranta’s already existing culture and the versatile activity in the area when it is also continuously building into the future’s new sustainable and communal district of Tampere. The area’s historical architecture, artisans and operators, events, nature and future plans are visualised and included in the pattern collection.”

Final Thesis. Culture in Hiedanranta – Pattern Collection for Modus Ltd. Teemu Seuranen. 2019. Textile Design.

Final Thesis. Culture in Hiedanranta – Pattern Collection for Modus Ltd. Teemu Seuranen. 2019. Textile Design.

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