Design Metropolia.


Musakuutio : LEED v4. as a Design Tool


Maija Meikäläinen

XR Design


Maija Meikäläinen

Maija Meikäläinen

”This thesis investigates the connection between LEED Environmental certification and interior architecture through materials. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce our own profession and others interested into use of LEED in design. Specifying materials for a new construction project for Pop & Jazz Conservatory was done together with Architects Tommila. The material is based on BREEAM certification goals that have been implemented for the project Musakuutio by the investor VARMA. The research is districted into the interior materials, their technical requirements and the spatial needs set by the end users of Musakuutio.”

Read more:

Final Thesis. Musakuutio : LEED v4. as a Design Tool. Stiina Ruusuvuori. 2018. Interior Architecture.

Final Thesis. Musakuutio : LEED v4. as a Design Tool. Stiina Ruusuvuori. 2018. Interior Architecture.
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