Design Metropolia.


The Shape of Music – Decorative Element for Music Campus


This thesis is a journey through worlds of design and music. The objective was to design a decorative element inspired by music. The decorative element is to be located at the new music campus of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and Pop & Jazz Conservatory in Arabianranta Helsinki. The goal was to create a design that embodies the essence of music and also uplifts and inspires the users of the building.

The thesis presents the whole design process. All the phases from the first ideas to developing the plan support the final decisions and outcome. Music as an inspiration follows throughout the entire process and leads the reader to explore the corners of the designer’s mind. The project states the importance of both art in public spaces and considering the users as well as the environment when creating the design.

As an outcome this thesis offers a concept that could be implemented in real life. The concept includes the general design of the decorative element and everything needed to make it work in the given space. Architectural office Achitects Tommila Ltd and their new construction plan for music campus Soiva offers the framework for this project. If this design plan is to be carried out in the future, it needs to be accepted by professionals such as architects and electrical designers. Several prototypes are also needed before the final product is ready to be installed.

The final plan fills out the space as first imagined. It feels inspirational and welcoming. This process shows how the smallest details affect the final form of the design, as well as the size and the overall feeling of it. Above all, this thesis is an overview of a design process and the tools needed to create the desired end result. It shows how the first idea transforms into reality as the process takes steps forward.


Final thesis. The Shape of Music – Decorative Element for Music Campus. Sanna Oksanen. 2020. Interior architecture.

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