Design Metropolia.


”Around the world” knitted kimono collection


Maija Meikäläinen

XR Design


Maija Meikäläinen

Maija Meikäläinen


This thesis includes the design process of a small knitted kimono collection, created by the designer and customer oriented approach, noticed in the design work.

Mainline titles are accountability in design, a nature theme, and combining artistic work with the design world.

The thesis is based on the working processes and tells the story behind the design processes from the beginning to the completed collection. This collection is commissioned work and some ideas for kimonos are customers requests. The maker’s role is being a professional designer who fills customers wishes and creates knitted kimonos using methods of textile and clothing design.


Final thesis. ”Around the world” Neulekimonomallisto. Anniina Korte. 2019. Textile design.

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