Design Metropolia.


Improving the Showcasing of Service Product Portfolio with Design Methods – Case ABB Drives


As service business keeps on growing, the ways of presenting and visualizing the usually abstract services become increasingly important. This thesis discusses the design process of improving the showcasing of the ABB Drives Service’s portfolio. The goal is to make the global service product portfolio of ABB Drives more understandable and useful with chosen design methods.

ABB Drives develops and manufactures frequency converters. To make the most of the drives and assure the high performance of the technology, ABB Drives is offering different services to the customers globally. The services are displayed and communicated in a certain way internally at ABB and I’m going to study whether the current way could be improved, or could that be looked into in a better, more user friendly way. At the moment, the services are displayed on a SharePoint site for the ABB personnel and that is the platform on where the portfolio is displayed also in the future.

As a designer, I’m using the methods of service design, user experience design and information design in the thesis. In order to improve the showcasing of the portfolio with user-driven approach, I gathered user insight both domestically and globally from several countries and that insight is used during the design process. Results from the user research and the ABB brand guidelines will steer the design of the final outcome.

The outcome of the thesis is a concept that shows how the services are visually displayed and categorized in a new way. In addition, the relations and differences between the services are depicted in the visualization so it supports the organization and its activities. The concept can be implemented with further development after the thesis is delivered.


Final thesis. Improving the Showcasing of Service Product Portfolio with Design Methods – Case ABB Drives. Miika Lehtinen. 2017. Industrial Design.

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Final Thesis. Improving the Showcasing of Service Product Portfolio – Case ABB Drives. Miika Lehtinen. 2017. Industrial Design.
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