Design Metropolia.


Responsible textiles – Accessories and interior textiles produced near versus far


Maija Meikäläinen

XR Design


Maija Meikäläinen

Maija Meikäläinen


The aim of the thesis was to find out what the difference is between the responsibility of textiles produced near and abroad. The viewing point is micro-enterprises manufacturing Finnish accessories and interior textiles. Data collection from current literature and web materials was used as the research method. In addition, benchmarking, i.e. material analysis, and interviews of two micro-enterprises. The Companies represent both views in the research question.

The conclusion was a clear understanding of the difference between these two business activities.

A Responsible Textiles Quick Guide for a novice entrepreneur in the business is presented at the end of this work. With this, the sponsor Metropolia University of Applied Sciences got teaching materials for future textile designer students. The Quick Guide was produced by using all the material gathered from the studies of the area.

The responsible business is a hot topic and covering the areas of responsibility is a long-term goal for companies. At the same time, it means that the attitudes of the consumers must change as well. By acting responsibly, the company creates a competitive advantage for itself and serves as a good example for future generations. Hope is that this work could change the textile industry and responsible business into a more positive direction.



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