Japanese Design Workshop 2018

Professor Takaaki Oe from Metropolia’s partner institution Kyoto University of Art and Design held a Japanese workshop for the design students from the 7th to the 9th of March. He brought with him 15 Japanese students who also took part in the workshop.   In addition to the Japanese students, 25 Metropolia students attended the … Read more

Angelica electric car

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and AET Corporation announced the new electric car Angelica in 29.9.2017 at Arabia campus. Industrial design alumni Juha Tuomola and Toni Grönmark participated in designteam. The result of the co-operation between Metropolia and chinese AET, the new electric supercar Angelica as well as the electric vehicle technology R&D center Eurosina … Read more

Bicycle Traffic in Helsinki Exhibition Opens on April 14th

Where are bicycle paths built? How are cycling conditions planned in Helsinki and is it possible to affect the process? Everything you need to know about bicycle traffic in Helsinki will be available for you at the City Planning Department’s exhibition space Laituri from April 14th onwards. The exhibition allows you to find out more … Read more

Japanese Design Workshop

Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun muotoilun tutkinto-ohjelmaan saapui maaliskuun alussa 2016 vieraileva professori Kiotosta pitämään opiskelijoille suunnittelu-workshopin. Takaaki Oe on tuotemuotoilija, joka opettaa Kioton taiteen ja suunnittelun yliopistossa. Workshop oli jaettu kolmeen eri tehtävään. Osa opiskelijoista osallistui vain ensimmäisen suunnittelutehtävän tekemiseen. Osa opiskelijoista puolestaan suoritti koko workshopin tehden kolme suunnittelutehtävää. Suunnittelutehtävät kestivät kukin kaksi tai kolme päivää. Japanilaisessa … Read more

Towards Stockholm

Design students are participating first time to the Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair at 9. – 13.2.2016. The video presents the process of designing and building up the fair stand and furniture.   Students Venla Anttila, Sini Mäkinen and Laura Lerkkanen. Alumni Olli Mustikainen and Mikko Siponen. Video: Sini Mäkinen

Towards Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair

Mikko Siposen ottama kuva

Design students are participating first time to the Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair at 9. – 13.2.2016. The fair is the world´s largest meeting place for Scandinavian furniture and lighting design. At the Metropolias fair stand there will be presented furniture and products by design students. Students visited at Nuutajärvi Glass Village on January to … Read more